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Governor Green Proclaims April Tsunami Awareness Month

Governor Josh Green recently proclaimed April as Tsunami Awareness Month in Hawai‘i.

The Governor’s proclamation highlighted the importance of Awareness, Education and Action in preparing for tsunamis.

In a statement Governor Green said, “Tsunamis are life-changing events. It is imperative to know what to do to protect lives and property from tsunamis. Being aware, educated and ready to take action will save lives.”

Tsunamis are generated by earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, or other powerful events that forcibly move large amounts of water. They can produce a wall of water 50 feet high or more, and travel hundreds of yards inland when they reach shore. Hawai‘i faces hazards both from distant tsunamis, which take hours to reach the state, and local tsunamis which can arrive in minutes after an earthquake within the state.

HI-EMA has initiated a pilot project to increase youth awareness through selected ambassadors from St. Louis School. The ambassadors toured the Pacific Tsunami Museum in Hilo and will share what they learned with fellow students. HI-EMA intends to broaden its youth outreach to other schools.

One-stop information on Hawai‘i tsunamis is available at, or contact ITIC at

Visit for more information on preparing for tsunamis and other hazards.


Photo credit: Office of Governor Josh Green

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