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Waipiʻo Valley Road Borings Work Begins This Week

The safety enhancement project along Waipiʻo Valley road is scheduled to take place between the hours of 8:30am and 3pm from Thursday, May 9, to Friday, May 10.

The project aims to improve road safety and ensure its long-term integrity for both residents and visitors.

Geotechnical engineering firm, Geolabs, has been hired to conduct the work, which involves drilling into the road to evaluate soil and rock composition and assess the safety and stability of the road’s foundation. The findings from this analysis will help guide future improvements, ensuring the road’s durability and resilience against natural elements and heavy usage.

To minimize disruptions, one-lane closures will be in place during the project’s duration. Trained flaggers will be stationed at strategic locations to manage traffic flow and ensure the safety of both motorists and workers. The borings work will be carried out in four distinct areas along Waipiʻo Valley Road, with brief closures of 15-20 minutes occurring as equipment is moved from one site to the next.

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